I have been working hard for some time now getting WSPBuilder ready for SharePoint 2010 and Visual Studio 2010. The current status is that WSPBuilder now supports fully the new functionality of the wsp package introduced in SharePoint 2010. Also the WSPBuilder Extension for Visual Studio has been undergoing a major overhaul. Especially the Visual Studio Project/Item templates are currently totally rewritten and new templates will be added with new functionality.
Visual Designer is now supported in WSPBuilder 2010 projects. This means that you will able edit your pages (aspx) and user controls (ascx) with the visual designer in Visual Studio. The reason for this is because the WSPBuilder 2010 project template in Visual Studio is now based on the C# WebApplication project template.
However the special folder types for the Web Application template are not supported and are therefore not added to the project on creation and will have no effect if added later.
To quote Blizzard "It's done when it's done!" I'll try to make every beta as much a complete version before releasing it. Currently there are no plans for major changes in the project structure for WSPBuilder, only more functionality and addons.
* Fully supports SharePoint 2007.
* Manifest.config introduced for managing new functionality of the SharePoint 2010 WSP package schema.
* Support for Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2.
* Backward support for Visual Studio 2005 and 2008.
* Visual Studio Visual designer supported.
* No need to install Extensions to open the project in Visual Studio.
* Pages and user controls designer editing are now supported.
* Item template "Visual Web Part" has been added.
* Web Part will have custom code added if selected, removing the web part on feature deactivate.
Plans for new features in WSPBuilder Extensions 2010
(have not been implemented yet!)
* WSP import project template in Visual Studio.
* Delegate Control item template.
* Layout Page item template.
* New Wizard system for Item templates.
* ...and other item templates.
Only Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 is supported. There are no plans to support beta 1.
Known bugs in the Beta 1.2
Workflow templates in Visual Studio do not work properly.
Please look on codeplex under Download. It’s the last file of the 4 available.