Wednesday, December 05, 2007

New version of WSPBuilder

Just finished the next version of WSPBuilder. It has been some time underway because I was focused on the WSPBuilder Visual Studio integration but this was taking more time than I thought. Therefore I have got some help from one of my good friends Anders Dissing and hopefully this will speed things up a little. The WSPBuilder however needed some attention for bug fixing and now this release.

The new version
The WSPDeploy.exe has now been implementet into the WSPBuilder.exe, this means that deployment is now done from the WSPBuilder.exe. However this means that you properly can not build from a non SharePoint environment.
The argument -CustomCAS have been added. This enables you to specify a custom CAS for the solution. See the manual.txt.
The argument -Deploy and -Retract have been added to support deployment.
The argument -projectpath and -solutionpath have been added. This enables you define a path to where the project i located.
The argument -BuildCAB have been added. If set to true then a WSP 'Cab' file will be generated. If false the manifest.xml and DDF can still be created.
UnmanagedDLL support added. It is now possible to include unmanaged DLL's to the WSP package. Will always be added to the WebApplication bin folder.
Build from bin\debug and bin\release fixed.
Problem with assembly resolment fixed. Thanks to Alex Henderson.
Problem with some files not been excluded fixed. Thanks to Alex Henderson.
Trace bug fixed. Tracing now works properly.
Minor bugs fixed.

The WSPBuilder project.

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